Lately there’s been too much of this

Jul 30th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

One week from today, we hop in our car and start driving. Fortunately it’s not too long a drive to Montreal.

More reading, more preparing for WorldCon. We tore up the house again tonight, and I’ve pretty much determined that the graphic novel I wanted to take for Neil Gaiman to sign is either in storage in Arizona, or gone for good. Either way, it won’t be making the trip with us. We did order some copies of the most recent few issues of CG to take with us – they haven’t arrived yet, which makes me a bit nervous, but there’s a few days left.

We’ve managed to stay on top of all the submissions, but my intended novel reading has been slow. Oh well. I’ll probably send out some rejection letters tomorrow. (We do have a pretty good pool of stories this month; some are going to be hard to reject.)

Tonight I went over all the material needed for Release Day, just to make sure it was really ready. I did find a little error on a webpage that I was glad I caught, and fixed it. Everything else was pretty much set. I also sorted out a contract that had been neglected, with the help of the contributor.

Sadly, I also got word that the artist who we’d been in discussions with about doing a webcomic for the Subscribers Area had to pull out. He simply got overwhelmed with work and job stuff, and wouldn’t be able to maintain the one-comic-a-week schedule. It’s understandable, but still disappointing. At any rate, we’re still looking hard for Subscriber-only content.

Odd Realization Of the Day: Crossed Genres can now be used by a fair number of authors as “Previously published in…” It hadn’t really occurred to me until I stumbled across this link to Miss Snark’s First Victim, which has a novel query letter posted (sans author’s name/info) for critique/reactions. Included in the letter:

“My various publication credits include Niteblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine, Crossed Genres, Six Sentences, and runner-up in the WOW! Women on Writing Summer 2008 Flash Fiction Contest.

I don’t actually know who this is (nor do I need to), but I think it’s very cool that we’re now cited under writers’ previous publishing credits.

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