You can spin the dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock

Dec 28th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

What an exhausting weekend. Fortunately it was a good one this year for us. Not terribly stressful. Worked off a lot of tension and energy playing the new Wii (our 3-year-old son’s pretty good at it. Who knew?).

We saw that all of you seem to have been busy over the weekend too. I thought we’d see a lull in activity, but we received about a dozen submissions over the weekend! We’re currently sitting at about 10% over our previous highest total. (We love it, keep ’em coming!) Thankfully our wonderful slush readers have kept right on top of it; however, Kay and I have a ton to read.

Speaking of submissions, we still get numerous submissions that are well under 1000 words. When we say “1000-8000 words FIRM”, we really mean FIRM. Along these lines, I have a couple more Things Not To Do When Submitting:

  • Make sure you didn’t already submit the story to the same market just 8 days previously.
  • If at any point in your story a character yells “NOOOOOOO!!!” and you wrote out the extra O’s, your story needs more editing.
  • There are some written clichés which are so overdone, it’s even a cliché to do them ironically.
  • I’d expected to have very little time to work on CG this weekend, and I was right. But I made the most of the time I had, and got a LOT done. The Kindle, PDF and PRC editions of issue 14 are done. Didn’t take as long as I’d feared… hooray for having a system! I’ve got some work left to do for the online version but other than that, the Folklore issue is complete.

    The Anthology is just about ready to put to bed – I think I can wrap it up tonight *KNOCKS WOOD* This is thanks to having received the mind-blowing cover art on the 24th – WOW just doesn’t do it justice.

    Only a couple more weeks until we begin the serialization of A Festival of Skeletons in the Subscriber’s Area! We’re very excited!

    As always we have a ton in the works; we’re not quite ready to reveal any of it yet, but we’re looking to start something new around the beginning of March, and we’re laying the groundwork for a contest starting in May. More on those once we’ve firmed up our plans.

    Post title from “The Hannukah Song” by Adam Sandler

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