Last seen wandering vaguely, quite of her own accord

Mar 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

There’s a wonderful review of Crossed Genres Year One over at Tangent Online!

“From lovers whose needs suck away others’ life forces to the foibles of superheroes past their prime, Crossed Genres makes a tasty break from ordinary speculative fiction. This twisted group of stories both inflames and amuses. At ten bucks a pop, it is hard not to recommend its purchase.”

– Reviewer: KJ Hannah Greenberg

The Science in My Fiction contest has been very well received. It looks like there will be plenty of entries! The winning entries will be published in the Subscribers Area of the website – if you’re not a subscriber, you can get a discounted subscription, as well as preorder print copies of the winning stories (get them signed by the writers!) over at our Kickstarter fundraising drive. pledging to the drive is the ONLY way to get copies, digital or otherwise, of the winners! (Subscribers will be able to read them temporarily but not download them, and we’re only doing one print run!) Please support our efforts to get the winners in print! If we don’t make our fundraising goal then no print edition will be made – fundraising is off to a good start but there’s still a ways to go!

Issue 18: EASTERN STILL NEEDS SUBMISSIONS! I’m frankly stunned at how few we’ve received. We want to do justice to the Eastern theme, so please get your submissions in; better than average odds this month, apparently!

The issue 17 (Antihero) proof has been approved. Wow, it turned out even better than I’d hoped! I was a little worried that too much would be cropped from the bottom, but not at all. I’m most of the way done with the online stuff for the issue too.

Today Kay nailed down the last cover art she was looking for; now, we have cover artists set all the way through issue 23! Woo, go Kay! As a result, we’ll be closed to cover art submissions for a while.

Post title from the poem “Disobedience” by A.A. Milne

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by Metafrantic: RT @crossedgenres New blog post: Last seen wandering vaguely, quite of her own accord

  2. I was really happy the anthology got this great review. But I was really puzzled about why the reviewer was puzzled about why my story, with its, two lesbian characters, is labeled as a “LTGBQ/speculative” cross-genre fiction. Hello? She seems to think that it can only be LGBTQ fiction if the characters are struggling with their sexual and/or gender identity. Anyway, I wrote a post about it.

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