Cover reveal: CG Magazine anthology, “Ancient Discovery” by Julie Dillon

Mar 30th, 2013 | By | Category: CG Blog

We’re very pleased to to show you the cover for the first CG Magazine 2.0 anthology, due out mid-July!

"Ancient Discovery" by Julie Dillon

“Ancient Discovery” by Julie Dillon

Julie Dillon is a two time Chesley Award-winner, a World Fantasy Award nominee – and as of today, a Hugo Award nominee! You may recognize her style, as Julie’s done a couple of covers for us in the past – notably, the cover to our LGBTQ issue (#12 from the zine’s first run), which was offered as a print during our 2012 Kickstarter and is still one of our most popular covers. We were super excited that Julie was free and willing to provide a cover for the first biannual zine collection, and she didn’t disappoint! And we think she managed to convey at least a hint of every theme from the six issues the anthology will collect.

Please tell us what you think! We’ll have another cover to reveal very soon – the Oomph cover! Can’t wait to show you!

(Note: the layout may change a bit before the cover is finalized.)

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  1. […] was on the cover of Crossed Genres Magazine 2.0 in July 2013. I love it. I love the planets made out of light, I love that it’s a girl, I […]

  2. […] more update for today: This is a piece I did for Crossed Genres’ CG Magazine 2.0 Anthology.  (Well, technically it’s a personal piece I’d been working on that I finished up for them to […]

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