
Welcome to the Subscribers section of Crossed Genres!

The subscribers section is gradually being phased out. Subscribers will receive ebook downloads of future issues via email for the remainder of their subscriptions. This will consist of quarterly publications. Each quarterly will contain 3 months’ worth of online content, plus additional content only published in the ebook and print quarterlies.

Contest Winners!


Del DrydenExtra Credit

2nd Place

J Y YangCarrier Signal


3rd Place

Durand Welsh – The Justice Arm

Congratulations to the winners! Big thanks to the judges, everyone who supported the Kickstarter drive, and everyone who entered the contest!

20% off recent print issues:

If you purchase any of the 4 most recent issues of Crossed Genres through Createspace, add the code: JUHEBMYJ to the “Apply Discount” field and 20% will be taken off!

Currently discounted issues:
Issue 21: Invasion | Issue 22: Bildungsroman
Issue 23: Dreams & Nightmares | Issue 24: Characters of Color

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