Issue 15 (Any Previous Genre) released!

Jan 31st, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

Crossed Genres is proud to announce the release of our fifteenth issue! This issue combines science fiction and fantasy with several genres which were featured in previous issues!


Cover: So Much For the Fourth Wall by Nicc Balce

The Turk in the Basement by Jason S. Ridler
The Seder Guest by Barbara Krasnoff
Keeli’s Ordeal by Scott H Andrews
Caretaker by Marilou Goodwin
The Prince of Artemis V by Jennifer Brozek

Writing Our Own (Alternate) Histories: Fanwork As Folklore by C.A. Young

We’re thrilled with how this wonderful and eclectic issue came out! Please go, read and view, and enjoy!

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