FINAL month for the LGBTQ issue!

Oct 1st, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

It’s been 11 months since Crossed Genres released our LGBTQ issue, and so we’re sad to say that October is the last month it will be around. The LGBTQ has been (so far) our most successful issue and (we believe) did a lot to bring attention to LGBTQ characters in SFF. We’re very sorry to see it go.

For this last month, we’ve lowered the price on the issue so hopefully as many people as possible will have a copy once it’s no longer available: Print copies are now $6 USD, and digital copies are $1. Please visit the store to pick up a copy.

Crossed Genres has and will continue to support LGBTQ representation in the SFF world. We’ve been proud members of Outer Alliance for more than a year, and the new magazine editors are the founder of Outer Alliance and another OA member. We welcome submissions with LGBTQ characters at all times!

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  1. […] Bart Leib announced that the queer issue of Crossed Genres is going away at the end of this month. It’s been up for eleven months now, and expires after twelve. If you haven’t read it, […]

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