Issue 18: Eastern is released!

Apr 30th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

The Eastern issue of Crossed Genres has been released!


The New Enlightenment by Padibut Preeyawongsakul

I Will Come Home by Chris Fletcher
The Only Motion is Returning by Del Dryden
Goddess by Lavanya Karthik
The Last Rickshaw by Stephanie Lai
When the Earth and Sea Swapped Places by Kaolin Fire

Growing Up by Joyce Chng

This is a beautiful issue that we’re immensely proud of. Please read and enjoy! If you like something, please leave a comment letting the author or artist know!

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  1. […] being Malaysian, and being Malaysian-Chinese. We both vied for a spot in Crossed Genres’ Eastern issue (she won with The Last Rickshaw!) and now we both have stories in Steam-Powered 2: More […]

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