Posts Tagged ‘ Issue 018 ’

Crossed Genres Year Two is released!

Dec 7th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

A labor conflict on a distant asteroid; An environmental catastrophe unlike any other; A most unusual dinner guest; The irony of Luck. Crossed Genres Year Two: Twelve stories selected from the 2nd year of Crossed Genres: the magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy with a twist! Lunch Money by Kelly Jennings (Issue Thirteen: Action/Adventure) The […]

Issue 18: Eastern is released!

Apr 30th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

The Eastern issue of Crossed Genres has been released! ARTWORK The New Enlightenment by Padibut Preeyawongsakul FICTION I Will Come Home by Chris Fletcher The Only Motion is Returning by Del Dryden Goddess by Lavanya Karthik The Last Rickshaw by Stephanie Lai When the Earth and Sea Swapped Places by Kaolin Fire ARTICLE Growing Up […]

Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light

Apr 29th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

This will be a long post – brace yourselves! We’re getting down to the wire for submissions to the Gadgets & Artifacts issue. Tomorrow (Friday) is the deadline! We’ve got a fair number of submissions but we always want more! Saturday is the release of issue 18, the Eastern issue. We’re extremely pleased with how […]

Thousand-year-old petroglyphs doing a double take

Apr 20th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

The Kickstarter drive to fund the Science in My Fiction contest surged over 50% today! We only need $324 more in the next 41 days! We’re very confident that we’ll get there. Remember, if you EVER want a print copy, you have to preorder with a pledge to Kickstarter – the contest winners will never […]

Her joys must be high as her sorrows are deep

Apr 1st, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

Wow what a night! This post may be long as there’s much to talk about! First, as I posted late last night, Issue 17: ANTIHERO has been released! This issue is amazing; please read, view and enjoy! Today we are also officially accepting entries to the Science in My Fiction contest! You can now submit […]

Or which one was what one or what one was who

Mar 29th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

Wednesday is the LAST DAY to get us your Eastern submissions! We’re currently sitting on the fewest subs we’ve had since last June. Yikes! More please! Wednesday is also the LAST day to read the Humor issue! Some great stories and a terrific article by Piers Anthony on writing Humor! Go read it and/or buy […]

Last seen wandering vaguely, quite of her own accord

Mar 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

There’s a wonderful review of Crossed Genres Year One over at Tangent Online! “From lovers whose needs suck away others’ life forces to the foibles of superheroes past their prime, Crossed Genres makes a tasty break from ordinary speculative fiction. This twisted group of stories both inflames and amuses. At ten bucks a pop, it […]

Many’s the time I’ve been mistaken

Mar 18th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

There was a bit of interest in my answering some questions via Formspring, so I set up an account. Ask whatever about CG, Little Death, Science in My Fiction, etc. Also, if you have questions about starting a zine from scratch (and the various insanity involved in keeping it going, expanding to new projects, etc) […]

Don’t know when I’ll be back again

Mar 12th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

First, some sadness/frustration: Cheryl Morgan, three-time Hugo award winner, non-fiction editor for Clarkesworld magazine, and an all-around terrific person, was denied entry to the US yesterday and deported back to the UK. As she explains in her blog, it seems to have been the result of an idiotic bureaucratic snafu completely beyond her control – […]

A voice that came from you and me

Mar 5th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

So much going on! It’s been a busy few days! The release of Issue 16: STEAMPUNK has been very well received. Go, read, enjoy! But the new issue has been somewhat overshadowed by the very successful opening of Science in My Fiction! SiMF is our new blog intended to “get science fiction and fantasy writers […]

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