Posts Tagged ‘ Chris Fletcher ’

The Little Death of Crossed Genres now available!

Sep 28th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

We’re pleased to release The Little Death of Crossed Genres! Cover art by Galen Dara FICTION: “Seven Little Words” BY Jennifer Brozek “Saving Pandora” BY Jason S. Ridler “Spring Migration” BY Wendy N. Wagner “Trancendental” BY Lorna D. Keach “Hands of Time” BY Shanna Germain Edited by Jaym Gates & Chris Fletcher, Little Death is […]

The Little Death of Crossed Genres coming out Monday

Sep 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

The Little Death of Crossed Genres, edited by Jaym Gates & Chris Fletcher, will be released on Monday, September 27! Little Death is a zine of erotic science fiction and fantasy: FICTION: “Seven Little Words” BY Jennifer Brozek “Saving Pandora” BY Jason S. Ridler “Spring Migration” BY Wendy N. Wagner “Trancendental” BY Lorna D. Keach […]

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