Posts Tagged ‘ CoC ’

LAST DAY to submit to the Characters of Color issue!

Sep 30th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

TODAY (Thursday, Sept. 30) is the FINAL DAY to get your submissions in for the Characters of Color issue of Crossed Genres! (More info here) As stated earlier, we welcome and encourage submissions with Characters of Color at all times. However, please help us make this special double-sized issue extra impressive! Send your stories before […]

Tomorrow (Thursday) last day to submit to Characters of Color issue!

Sep 29th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

Tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 30) is the FINAL DAY to get your submissions in for the Characters of Color issue of Crossed Genres! (More info here) As stated earlier, we welcome and encourage submissions with Characters of Color at all times. However, please help us make this special double-sized issue extra impressive! Send your stories before […]

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