Posts Tagged ‘ stretch goal ’

CG Kickstarter: It’s GO time! Pro rates are in sight!

Jun 18th, 2012 | By | Category: CG Blog

Thanks to some generous new pledges and pledge increases over the weekend, the CG Kickstarter jumped up more than $1000! We’re now at $9,820: Just $180 shy of 5 digits and OVER 70% OF THE WAY to our stretch goal so CG Magazine can pay pro rates! We still need another $4,180 to reach the […]

Leveling up Crossed Genres Magazine!

Jun 11th, 2012 | By | Category: CG Blog

There are eleven days left to our Kickstarter, and we’ve passed our original goal, saving CG! We ALSO passed our first stretch goal, resurrecting CG Magazine! Now, it’s time for stretch goal #2! We asked people to comment on what they thought the next stretch goal should be. The consensus was that we should aim […]

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