Posts Tagged ‘ Promotion ’

Support The Future Fire’s We See A Different Frontier, win a copy of Kelly Jennings’ Broken Slate

Apr 26th, 2012 | By | Category: CG Blog

The Future Fire is an excellent small publisher of “social, political and speculative cyber-fiction”. Several authors which CGP has published have also appeared in TFF publications. TFF is running a Peerbacker campaign for an awesome-sounding project: We See A Different Frontier, “an anthology of colonialism-themed speculative fiction from outside the first-world viewpoint, co-edited by Fabio […]

2 stories from CG’s LGBTQ issue to appear in “Best Lesbian Fiction 2009” anthology

May 30th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

Megan Rose Gedris’ story “The Tale of the Innocent Little Mermaid Statue That Corrupted Many a Youth and Turned Many a Young Lady Into a Lesbian” and Tuulia Saaritsa’s story “Me & Susannah” will both appear in Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company’s Year’s Best Lesbian Fiction 2009 anthology! Both stories first appeared in Crossed Genres issue […]

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