Posts Tagged ‘ Cheryl Morgan ’

Don’t know when I’ll be back again

Mar 12th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

First, some sadness/frustration: Cheryl Morgan, three-time Hugo award winner, non-fiction editor for Clarkesworld magazine, and an all-around terrific person, was denied entry to the US yesterday and deported back to the UK. As she explains in her blog, it seems to have been the result of an idiotic bureaucratic snafu completely beyond her control – […]

I’m sinking in the quagmire and I’m losing all control

Sep 3rd, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

…ok not really. Sometimes it feels like that though. What a busy couple of days! Sorry about the lack of posts, but it’s been pretty crazy. A short refresher: 1. Issue 10: Child Fiction is out! The reaction has been very positive. A lot of people have been drawn to the brilliant cover art by […]

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