Posts Tagged ‘ reviews ’

Review of Crossed Genres Year Two in Innsmouth Free Press

Mar 18th, 2011 | By | Category: CG Blog

Author Mike Griffiths has reviewed Crossed Genres Year Two for Innsmouth Free Press. It’s a very positive review: “These are excellent and entertaining stories. All are well-written and could even be a guide for aspiring authors who are wondering what sort of stories could help get them published in contemporary speculative magazines. The folks at […]

A review of Crossed Genres Year Two (25% off until Saturday!)

Jan 4th, 2011 | By | Category: CG Blog

Yesterday, The Portal posted a wonderful review of CG’s 2nd anthology, Crossed Genres Year Two. The reviewer seems particularly impressed with Sabrina Vourvoulias’ “Flying With the Dead” from our Characters of Color issue: I can’t begin to summarize in a way that does it justice, but it’s filled with the hope and bitterness and fear […]

Signal Boost: Announcing Rise Reviews

Nov 8th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

(This was originally posted at Bart Leib’s blog.) Some of you may have seen my recent post calling for reviewers. I was being secretive about why, but this morning I realized that there’s really no reason to. I’m just in the habit from Crossed Genres, I guess. 😉 So I’m pleased to announce that I […]

CG publisher seeking people with genre fiction review experience

Nov 2nd, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

Bart Leib, co-publisher of Crossed Genres, is seeking people with experience reviewing genre fiction. This developing project isn’t directly associated with CG, but we’re passing it along anyway. For more info please read the original post.

New reviews/blurbs for A Festival of Skeletons

Oct 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

We just received this great blurb about A Festival of Skeletons: “If you have no interest at all in reading a fabulous, well thought-out, engaging story, stay away from RJ Astruc’s writing – you’ll get sucked in and read it anyway. The moment I started reading, she dragged me along for an extraordinary, outrageous ride […]

Another review of A Festival of Skeletons!

Oct 8th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

There is a new review of RJ Astruc’s A Festival of Skeletons, this time from Only the Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: A Festival of Skeletons is a character driven novel that had me cracking up left and right. There are plenty of sex jokes that get a bit old after a while, but overall, […]

New review of RJ Astruc’s A Festival of Skeletons

Oct 7th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

There is a new review of A Festival of Skeletons out on SciFi & Fantasy Books, and it’s quite glowing: A Festival of Skeletons is like a love child of Terry Pratchett and Robert Rankin – a pacy, intelligent comedy novel that’s crazier than a cat on catnip, with excellent characterisation that doesn’t take itself […]

A Festival of Skeletons – cover sneak peek!

Sep 4th, 2010 | By | Category: News & Announcements

We’ve just ordered a batch of Advance Reader Copies of RJ Astruc’s A Festival of Skeletons! We’re very excited – we’ll have them in hand to distribute to reviewers within 2 weeks, hopefully sooner. (Digital ARCs are available now – if you want to review the novel for your review site or market, please email […]

Last seen wandering vaguely, quite of her own accord

Mar 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

There’s a wonderful review of Crossed Genres Year One over at Tangent Online! “From lovers whose needs suck away others’ life forces to the foibles of superheroes past their prime, Crossed Genres makes a tasty break from ordinary speculative fiction. This twisted group of stories both inflames and amuses. At ten bucks a pop, it […]

Don’t know when I’ll be back again

Mar 12th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

First, some sadness/frustration: Cheryl Morgan, three-time Hugo award winner, non-fiction editor for Clarkesworld magazine, and an all-around terrific person, was denied entry to the US yesterday and deported back to the UK. As she explains in her blog, it seems to have been the result of an idiotic bureaucratic snafu completely beyond her control – […]

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