Posts Tagged ‘ submissions from women ’

And then they had the nerve to ask, what would I like to be?

Feb 19th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

What a week. Monday was President’s Day, but despite the short work week I feel more exhausted than at the end of a regular week. _________________________________ Over the last few days I’ve been communicating with several people who are testing out various new versions of the magazine. I’m working on making the magazine available in […]

Yesterday’s sunshine is faded

Oct 18th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

Annoyingly, we’ve decided that we need to order a 3rd proof copy of the print edition. There are a few tiny problems that, if it was just one of them, we might leave it (as much as it would irk us), but together we can’t ignore them. Every one is just a little flaw in […]

Usually Kind To Smaller Man

Oct 5th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

Stats! Now that we’ve closed submissions on our first year of issues, I went and counted up our Fiction submission totals. I found some very interesting things about our Male/Female submission ratios. These numbers disregard submissions that weren’t ever under consideration – i.e. submissions that were too long/too short, or were withdrawn by the writer […]

Just remember that the last laugh is on you

Aug 28th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

No post yesterday because Kay and I were up until the wee hours, talking about ways to make CG better for all of you! Issue 11 is as prepped as I can make it at this point; the various templates are even filled in with as much info as we have now, and the internal […]

Busted me for disturbin’ the almighty peace

Aug 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

Just because I’ve been quiet doesn’t mean nothing’s been going on. In fact, we’ve been up until 1am the last few nights working. The results: today I finally heard back from the last writer, and with that last approval I was able to finalize all the content. I’d already gone ahead and finished as much […]

Such a small place between conform and crazy

Aug 20th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

Finally finished editing Issue 10 today and sent everything back to the writers. Only about 10 or 11 days until we get to start on Issue 11! *DIES* We’ve heard back from a few of them already, so I spent a good part of today getting those stories/articles formatted and into the Print edition template. […]

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