Posts Tagged ‘ Issue 005 ’

Or which one was what one or what one was who

Mar 29th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

Wednesday is the LAST DAY to get us your Eastern submissions! We’re currently sitting on the fewest subs we’ve had since last June. Yikes! More please! Wednesday is also the LAST day to read the Humor issue! Some great stories and a terrific article by Piers Anthony on writing Humor! Go read it and/or buy […]

I was looking for offhanded ways to improve us

Mar 15th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

There are TWO new chapters of RJ Astruc’s A Festival of Skeletons up in the Subscribers Area! Subscribers can go here to read them. If you’re not a subscriber, you can read a snippet here, or subscribe for just 83 cents a month! I got the photos I’d been waiting on, and submitted issue 17 […]

A voice that came from you and me

Mar 5th, 2010 | By | Category: CG Blog

So much going on! It’s been a busy few days! The release of Issue 16: STEAMPUNK has been very well received. Go, read, enjoy! But the new issue has been somewhat overshadowed by the very successful opening of Science in My Fiction! SiMF is our new blog intended to “get science fiction and fantasy writers […]

Counting down

May 28th, 2009 | By | Category: CG Blog

Release Day is just 4 days away? When did that happen?! It’s okay, we’re ready for it. I was just updating my list and there’s not actually much more we can do before it’s time to actually release the new issue. Today I built, formatted and uploaded the .prc version of Issue 5, created an […]

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